JukePop invited writers to send in the "starts" -- ie. first chapters -- for their proposed serial novels, and if accepted, they would be paid for that first chapter. After that, each subsequent chapter would have the potential to earn cash prizes every month.
Since I was just starting to poke and prod at my prose writing again for the first time in years, she threw this ad at me and said, "SUBMIT!" And, since I submit to just about anything RC demands of me, I dusted off an idea I'd been slow-cooking since 1999, and gave it a go.
It was accepted, and this week, it went live.
Cover art & layout by Kerry Ellis.
Heir to a legacy he never imagined, hunted by an enemy he cannot see, one boy’s only hope for survival rests in the hands of a powerless wizard and the blades of a master assassin.
Brian Donovan never knew his real parents. He’s never seen his true home. He leads the life of an ordinary New York teen; riding subways to and from school, exploring worlds of fantasy through books and art, and trying to muster up enough courage to talk to that one girl...
When a random act of violence brings that reality crashing down around him, the veil is lifted and Brian’s true destiny is revealed. Now on the run from an otherworldly threat, Brian must endure physical, emotional, and psychological trials as he uncovers the secrets kept from him his entire life.
For in this new world of danger and magic, sacrifice is only the beginning.
You can read Gatewalker for free HERE.
But that's not all!
RC also submitted a story, and she was also accepted!
Cover art by Kuroi-kisin,
Layout by Kerry Ellis.
Taj has been a slave for as long as he can remember. He dreams of something more, and through his adventures and YOUR choices, he may learn the hidden truths behind who and what he really is.
You read that right; it's a Choose Your Own Adventure-type story. At the end of each chapter, she will present you with several possible choices the main character can make. The readers have one week to cast their vote in the comment section (which is not the same as clicking the "+ Vote Chapter" button -- more on that later).
At the end of the week, the winning choice decides the direction the story takes next... and these choices could change EVERYTHING. The character's relationships, successes and failures, even the resolution of his story, are all at the whim of the readership. You don't want to miss this.
You can read To Embrace The Sun for free HERE.
...but THAT's not all!!!
Our buddy KC ALSO submitted a story and was ALSO accepted!
Cover art & layout by Miranda Taff.
A dark fantasy saga of revenge and redemption unfolds as the children of the Blackstone - born with otherworldly gifts, stolen from their homes, and schooled in the art of killing - seek to break the bonds that hold them in captivity.
Remember two years ago, I wrote a post about the D&D game my friend was running that was so immersive it traumatized us all and became one of the most rewarding creative experiences of my life?
This is that story. Only told now in KC's own world, with characters loosely based on the ones we played in the game. This is a story thirty-some-odd years in the making, and it's damn exciting to think that other people will finally be able to experience it.
You can read Daggers for free HERE.
...BUT THAT'S NOT okay yes that's all.
Ain't that enough?
Now, a word on voting:
It's your civic duty.
Now, a word on voting on JukePop:
You can read all of these stories for free, without having to sign up for anything. But you're only able to vote them up and leave comments if you register.
I usually hate having to register with a website or social network just to interact with it, but at least with JukePop, there's a good reason for it.
Infographic courtesy of JukePop Serials' About page.
You see, every time you click the "+ Vote Chapter" button at the bottom of the story page, you're boosting that story's chances of winning the money at the end of the month. You can up-vote as many stories as you want, but you can only up-vote a particular chapter once. Which is only fair.
Infographic courtesy of JukePop Serials' About page.
So, by making everyone register to vote, the top 30 stories can be rewarded based on their actual merit, rather than how often a person can click the vote button in an hour.
Signing up is a quick, painless process, and casting your vote will help us continue to be paid for our writing, which is always a nice thing.
So, read to your heart's content, vote to ours, and enjoy this new adventure in serialized fiction!