Friday, November 5, 2010

Geeks of Doom Article: What Form Will TV's New Hulk Take?

My love of the Emerald Avenger is on display in this one.

With the news last month of a live-action Hulk television series in development over at ABC, many questions are swimming through the minds of fans.

Will it be in continuity with the Marvel films?

Will any of the film actors commit to a television series?

Who will play Banner?

For myself, the first question that sprung to mind was, “How are they going to do the Hulk effects?” I’ve made no secret of my long-standing love affair with the not-so-jolly green giant, and of all the creative hoops the studio and show-runner will eventually have to jump through, the one that weighs most heavily on my mind as a fan is what the beast will actually look like on the small screen.

It might surprise some to learn that the Hulk is one of the few characters to have been brought to life through almost every school of visual effects there is.

Behind the cut, we’ll take a look at those different incarnations and speculate on their potential for the new television series.

Read the whole thing here.

The piece is filled with photos and youtube links showing the different forms the character has taken, including this video:

And, here's a bit of trivia I left out of the article... at the 1:40 mark in that video, that guy shaking hands with the Hulk? That's my uncle. I was pretty thrilled to find that when I was researching for the article.

Hope you enjoy!

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